Centos/RHEL/SL Automated installation


Baruwa Enterprise Edition is shipped from a subscription based repository and provides stable and tested packages for Centos/RHEL/SL. Access to this repository is obtained by purchasing a server subscription.

If you do not already have a subscription for the server you want to install please refer to https://www.baruwa.com to obtain a subscription for the server before proceeding.

Step 1: Installation requirements

You need a valid Baruwa enterprise subscription, which provides you with a server entitlement as well as an activation key to activate the entitlement.

Enable the EPEL repository

The EPEL repository is a volunteer-based community effort from the Fedora project to create a repository of high-quality add-on packages for Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL) and its compatible spinoffs such as CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux or Scientific Linux. You can find more details on EPEL including how to add it to your host at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL and http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#howtouse.

You need to enable this repo in order to access required packages:

rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Install Spacewalk client packages

Baruwa Enterprise Edition entitlements are managed by the Baruwa Network. The Baruwa Network uses the Spacewalk server to manage entitlements. In order to access the Baruwa Enterprise Edition repository you need to install the Spacewalk client tools. These tools are provided by the Spacewalk project via a yum repository which you need to enable:

rpm -Uvh http://yum.spacewalkproject.org/1.9/RHEL/6/x86_64/spacewalk-client-repo-1.9-1.el6.noarch.rpm

Having enabled the Spacewalk repository you can now install the Spacewalk client packages:

yum install rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto yum-rhn-plugin -y

Install Baruwa signing keys

The packages in the Baruwa Centos/RHEL/SL enterprise repository are cryptographically signed using GPG keys. The package containing these GPG keys needs to be manually installed before continuing to the next step:

rpm -Uvh https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/baruwa-enterprise-release-6-2.noarch.rpm
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-BARUWA-ENTERPRISE-6

Activate Entitlement

The Baruwa Centos/RHEL/SL enterprise repository is available to subscribers only. To install from this repo you need to activate the entitlement for the server that you are installing.

The server entitlement activation key is emailed to you when you purchase a subscription. Use the activation key to register your server with the Baruwa Network using the command below:

rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://bn.baruwa.com/XMLRPC --activationkey=<activation-key>

Step 2: Installation

Install puppet:

yum install puppet -y

Download and install the puppet toaster from the baruwa.com website:

curl -O https://www.baruwa.com/downloads/puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2
tar xjvf puppet-toaster-latest.tar.bz2 -C /etc/puppet/

Create a puppet host manifest for your host by copying the provided sample:

cp /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/init.pp \
chown root:root /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp
chmod 0600 /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp

Edit the manifest file and set the options to reflect the host you are installing.

Make sure you change the following options


Don’t use the @ and : characters in the passwords or usernames

Option Description
$pgsql_password Postgresql admin password
$baruwa_admin_user Baruwa admin username
$baruwa_admin_email Baruwa admin user email
$baruwa_admin_passwd Baruwa admin user password
$baruwa_pgsql_passwd Baruwa Postgresql password
$baruwa_timezone Server Timezone
$baruwa_session_secret Session encryption key
$baruwa_app_uuid Baruwa application UUID
$baruwa_rabbitmq_passwd Baruwa RabbitMQ password
$baruwa_quarantine_host_url Quarantine URL
$baruwa_web_vhost Baruwa virtual host name
$baruwa_web_serveraliases Baruwa server aliases
$baruwa_mail_host Mail server hostname
$baruwa_bayes_pgsql_pass Bayes Postgresql password
$baruwa_cluster_peers Hostnames of other nodes that are in the cluster. Must be hostnames not IP Addresses
$baruwa_cluster_peer_ips IP addresses of other nodes that are in the cluster Must be IP addresses not hostnames
$baruwa_cluster_id The cluster ID of this node Must be an integer
$baruwa_quarantine_shared Enables and disables shared quarantine features
$baruwa_theme_path Sets the Themes directory
$baruwa_custom_name Sets the custom product name for rebranding
$baruwa_custom_url Sets the url for the product
$sphinx_enable_wildcard Enable Sphinx wildcard indexing, enabling this will use more disk space
$baruwa_dkim_selector Sets the DKIM selector name
$openssl_country_code SSL Certificate country code
$openssl_ca_name SSL CA name
$openssl_province_name SSL Certificate province
$openssl_city_name SSL city name
$openssl_org_name SSL organization name

SSL Certificates

If you have an SSL certificate that is issued by a recognized CA and would like Baruwa to use it, install it prior to running puppet:

mkdir -p /etc/pki/baruwa/{certs,private}

Create the file /etc/pki/baruwa/certs/$(hostname).pem with the contents of your SSL certificate

Create the file /etc/pki/baruwa/private/$(hostname).key with the contents of your SSL private key

Run puppet using the manifest file that you created. This will take some time while it sets up your server. When the command finishes you will have a fully working Baruwa installation:

puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp


If any of the tasks fails, rerun the above command.

Step 3: Finalize configuration

Now that the installation and setup are complete, you need to finalize the setup by Adding a scanning Node, Add an Organization, Adding a Domain and Adding an Account.

Review the Administrators guide for other configuration and setup options available.

Step 4: Advanced options

Baruwa Enterprise Edition supports clustering as well as customization using themes. If you intend on using these features read the following topics

Step 5: Getting help

Support and assistance are available to you, refer to Support for details on how to get help.