
Message Sniffer

The Message Sniffer software is designed to be installed on an email server or filtering appliance. Message Sniffer is driven by a professionally managed rulebase, available via subscription, that is continuously monitored and updated by intelligent machines and highly trained analysts. This teamwork between synthetic intelligence and extraordinary people reduces your administrative workload to a minimum and allows SNF to respond quickly (within minutes) to new threats while also predicting future hazards so they can be blocked before they arrive. Details on Message Sniffer can be found on their website at

Baruwa Enterprise Editions integrates with the Message Sniffer software.


Message Sniffer subscriptions are available for purchase from us at discounted list prices. To purchase a Message Sniffer subscription please contact us.


The automated install system is capable of installing and configuring Message Sniffer software. In order to install Message Sniffer using the automated system, you need to contact us to purchase a subscription we will email you an AUTHENTICATION ID as well as a LICENSE ID. You should then set the following options in your manifest file.

$spamassassin_snf_enable = 'true'
$spamassassin_snf_licenseid = 'license id'
$spamassassin_snf_authentication = 'authentication id'

Then run the following command:

puppet -v /etc/puppet/manifests/toasters/baruwa/$(hostname).pp

To install manually you need to install the software by running the following command:

yum install  spamassassin-plugin-snf snf snf-server -y

You then need to edit the following files and set the license id and authentication id.

  • /etc/snf-server/identity.xml
  • /etc/sysconfig/snf-server

After which you need to restart the server:

service snf-server restart